Okay, so many of us already know this. Microsoft is a bunch of stupid imbeciles trying to write software while taking as much money from you as possible. So what triggers this blog about Microsoft's stupidity? Well, I have this new laptop, right? I've been trying to change the background on it for weeks now all the while failing. Today I found out why. I have Windows Seven Starter. Starter. (I hope you can hear the sarcasm in my voice.) This means that I am not allowed to change my background. If I want to change it, I have to upgrade my version of Windows to a full version of 7. Stupid Microsoft.
So I think this is a ploy by the vile creeps at Microsoft to steal my money. And other people's money. Why? Because they probably figured out that people would get pissed off because they are stuck with the shitty initial background that they give you. Okay, it isn't that bad, but still. It's got Microsoft written all over it (almost literally). But I want my own background dammit!! And I can't unless I pay Microsoft some unknown fee to get an upgrade. I'd rather erase my hard drive and put Linux on here. Linux is free and open source and I sure as hell don't have to pay for shit on it. To change a background? Really? It's Microsoft's plan to take people's money because why would anyone want to upgrade to the latest piece of crap that takes up an obscene amount of hard drive space, costs hundreds of dollars, and doesn't even work as well as the version you had (not saying that that version was great, either, but still...)? You wouldn't. But some people will get pissed off enough at the idea of not being able to change their background that they'd pay the money to do it. Yeah, Microsoft sucks.
So this is me is rebellion against Microsoft. I refuse to give in you sleazy scum!!! Muahahahahahaha! I am fighting for my technological freedom. And I will quit Microsoft if necessary. It's just a background. It's not worth the money. I think everyone needs to boycott Microsoft. I mean, honestly, they won't let us change our backgrounds without paying more money to them? Lying, cheating, stealing scumbags. Why not take my first and second born as well? Because that's the point they're getting to. Screw you, Microsoft, and your stupid upgrades, too!
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