Thursday, August 7, 2008

New Hair

Okay, yeah, I know, really shallow topic. Hey, a girl's allowed to have her shallow, superficial moments every once and a while, can't she? Anyway, I got my hair cut today and it looks freakin' fantastic!!! I love it!! Man, I didn't think I would, and at first I thought I was doing a bad job, but the longer I'm living with it the better and better I like it. Ah, great stuff =] When I have a picture I will add it up.

On a side note: I appear to be failing at posting every day. I know, I know. I'm not just failing. I'm failing epically. In copious amounts. My three favorite words, failure, epic, and copious (don't ask me why they're my favorites, they just are), my favorite sentence to utilize all three, and it applies to me. I just failed epically in copious amounts. I know. I'm going to try. Life is just...insane. I'm doing my best. Keep up the support.

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