Monday, July 7, 2008

Life Update

Okay, so I've been failing a little bit on writing every day. Why? Because I was busy living. I know, novel concept. So what have I been up to?

July 4, 2008

Here's what happened. In the afternoon I picked up a couple of my friends (Savina and Jasmine) to go over to another friend's house (Sarah) so that we could get the day started. We got over to Sarah's house and then we started getting ready for another one of our friend's (Doug) Fourth of July party to be held at his house (within easy walking distance of Sarah's, thus we met there). We went in search of party decorations and food to contribute to Doug's and after gathering all that we needed, we headed over early to help set up. Well, an hour later people started to arrive. People from around the neighborhood as well as Doug's friends all showed up to celebrate our nation's independence. Sarah was getting sick so it was fun to watch her get a bit loopy on the medicine she was taking. We all just sat around, talked, and ate good food (made courtesy of neighborhood friends as well as the grill workage of Doug and Abe) while we waited for the darkness. Yes we, like many others in the city of Albuquerque, had a multitude of fireworks to be our evening's entertainment. So, once it was dark, the fun began. Let me just say that by the time the night was coming to a close, we had set off over $300 worth of fireworks or more with about another $300 worth left (we had to cut our celebrations short because some people in the neighborhood really did want to get some sleep that night). More friends had shown up while we were launching fireworks and overall we had a really good time. Most everyone was gone by midnight and I decided for the benefit of Savina and Sarah that we take off too. That night, the three of us had a sleep-over of much enjoyment and in the morning pancakes and tea served us well.

July 5, 2008

After sleeping in and whatnot as well as chillaxing at Sarah's, I headed home to do a little bit of cleaning, but mostly read this phenomenal book that I had bought the day before :The Host, by Stephenie Meyer. I didn't finish it, but I did greatly enjoy the chapters that I got to read. Later in the day I got to head over to my friend Jarrod's house and hang out there with an accumulation of people. There was running through the rain (I was also doing a rain dance in my head), drinking lots of soda, making mac n' cheese and cupcakes, and the brilliant film viewage of The Chronicles of Riddick. Great times. There was even a little bit of fireworks at the end.

July 6, 2008

There was church, and there was reading. Yeah, I finished The Host. It was FANTASTIC. So good. Go read it. If you are yet unenlightened about the brilliant mind of Stephenie Meyer, go educate yourself. I don't care how old you are, where you live, what gender you are, anything about you, all I know is that she is great and everyone I know who's read her work is equally impressed. So go read. Now.

Also, my mom has been in Europe for the past three weeks and she came home today. Good stuff. The relationship with my sister and I towards my dad was becoming...strained. Let's just say we're all glad that mom is home now.


Well, this brings me to the present. I'm writing now mainly because I've been itching to "talk" to someone, even if it is only posting in a blog. This isn't all I wanted to post, and it probably won't be the limit for the day, but I thought we should clear up why it is that I haven't been posting in the past few days. So there you have it. =]

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