Thursday, July 10, 2008


Last night I was thinking of silence. Yeah, we all know it. Most of us hate it. I, personally, love it. Usually.

I know people don't like it, but my main question is why? Why is it that we hate silence? I mean honestly, are we all that addicted to noise? Here's my theory on it. We, as people, are social animals. When it is silent, it is usually because no one is around. That leads me to think that maybe we all hate silence because it is like a slap in the face that's saying, "Hey! Guess what! You're all alone with no one to talk to, and maybe no one likes you. That's why it's so quiet!!!" Yeah, I know. Silly, but still. It makes sense. If you hate to be alone then silence is a constant reminder of that fact. Logically, you wouldn't like something that made you remember the fact that you are alone. Especially for those who got out of really long relationships. Trust me, I know. I've been there. I was with my first boyfriend for two years and when we broke up it was one of the hardest things being reminded that I was alone. So, I'd say that this theory is viable.

Then I guess is the silence that happens when you're with people. What I don't get is this. Why is it always "awkward"? Honestly, if you're with any person or group of people and suddenly there's a lull in the conversation, why do people always say "awkward silence"? It's only awkward if you were talking about some sort of sexual theme or uncomfortable topic or something and someone just made a statement that no one could comment to. Most silence that occurs when interacting with people is just that, silence. Silence is a cease of all noise. Yes, you can hear silence. No, silence is not something to be feared, something bad, or something to be uncomfortable with.

I personally love silence. At least, most of the time. What started this whole blog in the first place is that last night I was craving silence. It doesn't happen for me all the time, but when I want it, there's nothing better. For me, silence is sort of comforting. When people say that you can feel the silence pressing in on you, I actually like that feeling. It gives me a sense of comfort. At this moment in time, I can't tell you exactly every reason I have for loving silence or why it is that I crave it sometimes. What I can tell you is that it happens and I'm still searching for an answer. My question to you now stands: why do you feel uncomfortable in silence? What is it about the silence that you have a problem with? Think about it.

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