I don't watch it because I hate it. Generally, I don't care if other people watch it and if it's on I'll join you, but it doesn't really mean I enjoy it. I don't own a television of my own. When I'm at home I never go and turn it on just to watch it. It isn't my thing. But I think it goes back to the days when I was younger.
If you knew me as a little kid you knew that I watched TV all the time. That's why my parents got my sister and me into sports. Well, part of the reason. So I watched it all the time. Once we moved, though, I just wasn't that into it. Middle school came and went and I was relatively busy so I didn't watch it and I just had other stuff to do. I became less inclined to watch. And then ninth grade happened.
I was pretty depressed after 8th grade because I left all my friends and while I thought we were going to be friends in high school we weren't because they went to Eldorado and I went to La Cueva. Well, over winter break I went to a church camp and it changed my life. It was amazing! So after the drive from Denver to Albuquerque I came home and wanted to tell my mom all about it. I walked in after being gone for a week and my mom and sister were watching TV. I tried to say hi and tell them about it, but my mom hardly looked at me and told me to be quiet because her show was on. She didn't want to hear about it. I don't think she realized how much that hurt.
After that, I began actually hating it. I never hated it before that, it was when it was placed above me by my mother of all people that I turned. So I am an avid television hater. I think it destroys families from the inside out and it tears homes apart. But people don't see that because it numbs the mind. Television drains all creativity from the mind and drowns it in a dull environment with instant action that's fast paced and moving rapidly. No one has to think because you don't have enough time to. And as it numbs the brain you can't think of anything better to do then to continue numbing yourself with the same bullshit. And then families fall apart because the television and the people in the shows your watching become more like family to you than the actual people who should matter, your own flesh and blood. The only thing I can think of at this point is in Fahrenheit 451 when the main character's wife is so into her television room and her "family" that she has no idea what is really going on in the world and that's how their society is. I fucking hate it and we're moving rapidly in that direction. It's fucking bullshit. Uhg.
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